The Sequim Good Governance League is dedicated to democratic values including integrity, transparency and “the appearance of fairness.” Political organizers Donnie Hall and Jim McEntire have invited all Sequim City Council candidates to forums they plan to hold at the Sequim City Hall. No matter how “fair” they try to make it, Hall and McEntire can never provide an “appearance of fairness" for their forums, as they are backing five of the candidates they have recruited and trained.
This is no different from the Republican National Committee proposing to host an independent, nonpartisan Presidential Debate where the RNC has sole discretion for deciding the moderator, determining the questions, limiting who attends, and setting the rules. (from the July 25th, 2021 Donnie Hall email to Lowell Rathbun.) Never attempted, will never happen.
Understandably, several candidates have declined the invitation. Neither the candidates nor the public can have confidence that Hall and McEntire are not simply promoting their candidates or their “organization,” which seems to be little more than two Republican party officers working to support selected candidates for non-partisan office.
The League of Women Voters has been a legitimate, non-partisan organization for decades, and the public can have confidence in their well-honed protocols and non-partisan stance. The Sequim Good Governance League (another legitimate organization) encourages all candidates and voters to support the League of Women Voters forums.
In addition, SGGL will be hosting a series of events for the SGGL-endorsed candidates so that you can hear from them first-hand, ask questions, and learn how you can help.
Dale Jarvis, Board Member and Treasurer
Sequim Good Governance League